中文名稱 | 英文名稱 | 規格 |
正常新生兒表皮角質細胞 | Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes-Neonatal,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常成人表皮角質細胞 | Normal Human Epidermal Keratinocytes-Adult,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
角質細胞基 | NHEK Growh Medium(includes NHEK-BM&NHEK-GS) | 500ml |
角質細胞基礎培養基 | NHEK Basal Medium | 500ml |
角質細胞生長因子 | NHEK Growth Supplement | 5ml |
正常新生兒黑色素細胞 | Normal Human Melanocytes-Neonatal,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常成人黑色素細胞 | Normal Human Melanocytes-Adult,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常成人黑色素細胞生長培養基 | Normal Human Melanocytes-Growth Medium | 500ml |
正常成人黑色素細胞基礎培養基 | Normal Human Melanocytes-Basal Medium | 500ml |
正常成人黑色素細胞生長因子 | Normal Human Melanocytes-Growh Supplement | 5ml |
正常新生兒皮膚成纖維細胞 | Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts-Neonatal,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常成人皮膚成纖維細胞 | Normal Human Dermal Fibroblasts-Adult,Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常人支氣管上皮細胞 | Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人支氣管上皮細胞(哮喘、肺病、吸煙者) | Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells-Diseased(Asthma,COPD,Smoker) | 5x105 |
人支氣管上皮細胞培養基 | NHBE Growth Medium(includes NHBE-BM&NHBE-GS) | 500ml |
人支氣管上皮細胞基礎培養基 | NHBE Basal Medium | 500ml |
人支氣管上皮細胞生長因子 | NHBE Growth Supplement | 10ml |
正常人支氣管成纖維細胞 | Normal Human Bronchial Fibroblasts-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人支氣管成纖維細胞(哮喘、肺病、吸煙者) | Normal Human Bronchial Fibroblasts-Diseased(Asthma,COPD,Smoker) | 5x105 |
正常人角膜上皮細胞 | Normal Human Corneal Epithelial Cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
正常人角膜上皮細胞培養基 | NHCE Growth Medium(includes NHCE-BM&NHCE-GS) | 500ml |
正常人角膜上皮細胞基礎培養基 | NHCE Basal Medium | 500ml |
正常人角膜上皮細胞生長因子 | NHCE Growth Supplement | 5ml |
正常人角膜上皮細胞包被混合液 | NHCE Coating Mixture | 10ml |
人樹突細胞 | Human Dendritic Cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人樹突細胞(即用型) | Human Dendritic Cells-Ready to use | 5x105 |
人樹突細胞基礎培養基 | Human Dendritic Cells-Basal Medium | 50ml |
人樹突細胞基礎培養基 | Human Dendritic Cells-Basal Medium | 250ml |
人樹突細胞維持培養基 | Human Dendritic Cells-Maintenance Medium | 50ml |
人樹突細胞維持培養基 | Human Dendritic Cells-Maintenance Medium | 250ml |
人漿狀樹突細胞 | Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人漿狀樹突細胞(即用型) | Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells-Ready to Use | 5x105 |
人漿狀樹突細胞維持培養基 | Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells-Maintenance Medium | 50ml |
人漿狀樹突細胞維持培養基 | Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells-Maintenance Medium | 250ml |
人T細胞 | Human T-cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人T細胞(即用型) | Human T-cells-Ready to Use | 5x105 |
人T細胞基礎培養基 | Human T-cells-Basal Medium | 50ml |
人T細胞基礎培養基 | Human T-cells-Basal Medium | 250ml |
人T細胞維持培養基 | Human T-cells-Maintenance Medium | 50ml |
人間充質干細胞 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Cryopreserved | 1x105 |
人間充質干細胞 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Cryopreserved | 5x105 |
人間充質干細胞 | Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells-Cryopreserved | 10x105 |